Time Abuse by Associates and Friends Time Abuse, especially abuse of my time, by associates, friends, and others, has been an irritant for a large part of my life. It has been endured in school environment, work environment, and social …Continue reading →
What Messages from the Heart are You Receiving? Messages from the heart arrive in many forms. Historically, as far back as I can remember my discussions with a doctor, I have had a low pulse rate (in the 50s), …Continue reading →
Adventures and Innocence Time Travel Adventures and innocence in the long ago past. Help us travel back to the times of Lil’ Orphan Annie Daddy Warbucks Punjab The Asp Dick Tracy hairy bushy-faced B O Plenty Gravel Gertie Sparkle Plenty …Continue reading →
Organizational Commitment Commitment! Just as for organizational goals and organizational leadership, parallels for family life can be easily found in research on “Organizational Commitment: Its Major Effects.” Without commitment by family members to their goals and family leadership, it is …Continue reading →
Organized Family Life Family life has been examined by many and varied experts. While I make no pretense of being an expert in any subject, I would like to examine the family in an environment in which I have some …Continue reading →