Over the Door of Your Church Over the door! There is a song named, “It’s Not What’s Over the Door.” This song is pointing out that it’s not what’s over the door of the Christian Church that counts, but what …Continue reading →
To God We Owe…. To God, we owe it all, our lives and all that we are or hope to become. In the Holy Bible we are given principles and guidance to follow in serving Him. The path is not …Continue reading →
What Is on the Other Side? Knowing Your Master is There ¹A sick man turned to his doctor, as he was preparing to leave the examination room and said, “Doctor, I am afraid to die. Tell me what lies on …Continue reading →
Life – the Story This is a short version of Life – the Story, told in a simplified form which can be used to instruct even small children. At a point in time, determined by God, a soul is given …Continue reading →